Read the rest of the post ' Securing a sustainable reinsurance market for renewables '

Our Bermuda office
Our Bermuda office is head office for the Group as well as a location for Hiscox Re & ILS.
Hiscox Ltd
Chesney House
96 Pitts Bay Road (reception access from Waterloo Lane)
Pembroke, HM08
T +1 441 278 8300
E [email protected]

Our London office
Our building in the City of London is home to Syndicate 33 and underwriting at Lloyd’s, which comprises Hiscox London Market and Hiscox Re & ILS, as well as being the London branch of our UK retail business.
22 Bishopsgate
London EC2N 4BQ
T +44 (0)20 7448 6000
E [email protected]
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